Totally Liquid (TL) arrived this week, along with Duelosaurus Island!
Totally Liquid is first up, and I’ve been working this weekend on reviewing the rules; dividing pieces; and figuring out how to pack everything in the boxes so everything is relatively “tight”. The Dinosaur Island box was already tight, and there is nowhere near enough room to store all the pieces for TL. So, this will have to use both boxes.
The TL pieces breakdown into two main groups:
- Additional standard pieces – these are pieces to add to the game even if you aren’t using any of the expansion
- Expansion Modules – Five additional modules that can be mixed and matched, including a 5th player
Looking at everything, I tweaked the existing Dinosaur Island insert to accommodate the additional standard pieces in the original box so you can carry just the main box and play. Surprisingly, with all the standard pieces (6 additional dice, Specialist and Plot Twist cards, Recipes, and Lab Improvements), I only had to modify 2 pieces in the original insert, and one of those two pieces actually gets reused in the TL box! Everything is just as tight as it was before, maybe even a little tighter.
The TL box now holds everything for the expansion modules. The challenging part was the box is much bigger than the pieces, so I had to get creative on how to keep things from sliding around too much, and I think I’ve got that solved.
At this point I’m just working on refining the overall insert and figuring out how to represent it on the shop.
At this point, it is looking like the available configurations will be:
- Original Dinosaur Island Insert – This is what is available today.
- Full DI + TL package – This will be a complete set of inserts that would cover any one who just got DI and TL and has no insert at all, or who wants to start with DI and get the expansion later.
- TL Upgrade package – This will be an expansion pack for anyone that already has our existing DI insert. It will include the two modified pieces as well as all the TL pieces. Since this will primarily be for all the great folks that have already supported us, I’m trying to work out a small benefit for being one of the first. Still working out what makes sense.
Here are some “work in progress shots” (pay no attention to the colors of any inserts you might see, this is all just draft printing at this point):
I should have another more detailed announcement, including availability and ordering information, sometime later this week if all goes well.