New Release – Arzhan for Raiders of Scythia

Here is our Arzhan insert for Raiders of Scythia.  Since we try to give all our inserts thematic names, this one required a little bit of research.  We found a whole collection of historical sites and references for the Scythians, and landed on “Arzhan” for a name.  Arzhan is actually a real area in the Tuva Republic of Russia.  It is the site of a large collection of Scythian Kurgans (burial “mounds”).  Researchers have recovered thousands of objects from two of these Kurgans and have been working on expanding our knowledge of the Scythians.  Here is a jumping off point for your further knowledge:  Arzhan on Wikipedia

The background for how we landed on this as our next release is a little unique.  We were recently contacted by a potential customer interested in one of our other inserts, who also happened to mention that he would be very interested if we were to make an insert for Raiders of Scythia.  Well we are always up for the challenge and we are already big fans of Shem Phillips and Garphill Games in general.  After a quick review on BGG and a few clicks on Amazon, voilà  – we had a copy of Raiders of Scythia inbound.

So, here you have the result of when everything comes together.  The insert design had a few challenges due to the configuration of the available space in the box.  Along the way we got some great design feedback from our potential customer which led us to a nice little refinement.  Finally, couple all of that with the fact we found some new filament colors from a new supplier that really nailed it as far as matching the theme of the game art, and we think we have a winner.  But we do love all our inserts, … equally.

Arzhan is now available in the shop, and our Arzhan Tips and Tricks page has details on packing the box as well as sleeve requirements.